Double Internship Certificate from Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group and Thailand Arbitration Center

Sophia Wang
East China University
Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group

The department head commented on Sophia Wang’s performance during her internship at the APRAG, “Wang is a highly organized person who are able to complete all her work within the deadline. Her English writing skills are excellent, so she was assigned to work on translating legal documents and all the results of her work were accepted by us.”

At the end of my internship, Sophia received a certificate of internship and a letter of recommendation from APRAG and THAC. In the letter of recommendation, the supervisor of APRAG praised her diligence, dedication, professionalism and punctuality for her excellent performance in legal searches and legal translations, and stated that “her performance exceeded our expectations”. She was also complimented on her self-drive to take the initiative to learn and ask for assignments.

After three months of internship, Sophia has also gained plenty of unexpected achievements. In her senior year, she successfully became an intern at a well-known law firm, which, after learning about the internship experience, considered her to be capable of doing some legal translation work. This is a testament to the importance of internships in international organizations for personal growth!