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Gloria Zhu
Donghua University
European Association of Regional Development Agencies

Gloria Zhu, now an excellent intern in an international organization, who used to be an ordinary student, has perfectly combined her major with internship work. For example, Gloria is responsible for the EU regional city innovation cooperation project (a project that is funded by the European Union and initiated by the European Regional Agency Development Association, and connects cities in Europe, Latin America and China). When matching cities, Gloria will use her excellent economic skills to analyze the geographic characteristics and economic development characteristics of these cities and make them better match.

As an intern from China, Gloria also used her own power to let European partners know more about China. She actively communicated with the heads of international organizations and tried to integrate the demonstration of public entities of China’s regional economic development into the European regional city cooperation projects. At the second promotion meeting of the project, Gloria first introduced China’s regional economic development, and then experts from the National Development and Reform Commission of China and experts in charge of the project from the EU introduced the cooperation projects. The content of Gloria’s speech serves as the prospect of the whole promotion meeting, making it more complete. Also, through this opportunity, European authorities and many municipalities can learn about the operation and cooperation mode of Chinese institutions, so as to participate more actively in regional cooperation with China.